Electrio is a company with strong values and high standards at its core. Proud of its reputation for quality electrical design and installation, Electrio is equally committed to investment in the training of their operators. Their commitment to reliability and quality extends to the products that they carry and the advice that they give, encouraging and supporting their clients to ‘go green’ using the latest energy efficient modules including LED lighting and PV Panels.

Liquidation of long-term customer leads to first claim in 10 years

Electrio believe in working in partnership with its clients – so when a client is lost through insolvency, it’s more than just a bad debt, it’s the loss of a business partner too. On 14th March 2018, longstanding valued customer Benson Bros went into liquidation leaving a six figure debt owing to Electrio, who consequently had to make a claim for the first time in 10 years.

Fortunately, Electrio had an appropriate and comprehensive credit insurance policy with The Channel Partnership – so within 49 days of the customer liquidation, the full value of the insurance claim was paid into Electrio’s account with minimal disruption.

Reducing risk

Electrio has used trade credit insurance for more than a decade as part of a system of proactive credit management and as a reduction of risk. It not only acts as the ultimate protection in the event of a bad debt, but has also supported business to reduce risk by setting appropriate levels of credit in the first place.

Electrio timeline


Up until now, credit insurance has been something that we’ve used as a support for our credit control procedures. But now we’ve had a serious claim paid, we see what value we’ve been getting all these years.


Maria Long, Electrio Director

Want to know more?

Sorry – but we need a bit of time from you. But we think it’s worth it. That’s why we insist on meeting up with every client – even when our advice is that they need another financial product that we’re unable to provide.

Can you spare an hour for a cuppa?

Of course, there’s no obligation – please fill in this form or just give us a call on 01275 817320.

Let’s get together


The Channel Partnership is part of the Specialist Risk Group. The Group can trace its origins back to 1925, providing access to specialist insurance solutions for individuals, and businesses operating in niche industry sectors.

For more information about how we use and disclose your personal information, your rights under data protection law and who you can contact, please refer to our privacy notice.

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Lupton Del Principe Associates Ltd, trading as The Channel Partnership, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 300035). Lupton Del Principe Associates Ltd is registered in England and Wales, office address: 6th Floor, One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London, England, EC3N 2LB. Company No. 3151266